European Anti-Violence Network. (2017). Raising children’s awareness of gender (in)equality is crusial in preventing violence against women. Available here 

European Anti-Violence Network. (2016). Building Healthy Intimate Relationships. The role of school: evidence-based policy recommendations for teachers’ trainings. Athens: European Anti-Violence Network.(available here)

European Anti-Violence Network. (2016). Building Healthy Intimate Relationships. The role of school: Evidence-based Policy Recommendations for adolescents’ empowerment. Athens: European Anti-Violence Network. (available here)

Petroulaki, K., Tsirigoti, A., & Petanidou, D. (2016). GEAR against IPV II Teachers’ Training Seminars in Greece: Implementation and Evaluation Report. Athens: European Anti-Violence Network. (available here)

Petroulaki, K., Tsirigoti, A., & Petanidou, D. (2016). GEAR against IPV II Awareness Raising Workshops with Adolescents in Greece: Implementation and Evaluation Report. Athens: European Anti-Violence Network. (available here)

Petroulaki, Κ., Tsirigoti, Α., Kouveli, Ε., & Sotiriou, P. (2013). Guide on How to Escape” from a Violent Relationship. Athens: European Anti-Violence Network. [ISBN: 978-960-9569-06-4] (in Greek) [book]

Petroulaki, Κ., Tsirigoti, Α., Kouveli, Ε., & Sotiriou, P. (2015). Guide on How to Escape” from a Violent Relationship (2nd Edition). Athens: European Anti-Violence Network. [ISBN: 978-960-9569-26-2] (in Greek) [book]

Sotiriou, P., Petanidou, D., Petroulaki, K. & Tsirigoti. A. (2015). Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and Sexual Violence (SV) in adolescents: preventive and supportive initiatives in Greece. Athens: European Anti-Violence Network. [report]

Series: Awareness Raising/Educational Material (e-books)

available at in Greek (for Greece and Cyprus), English, Croatian, Romanian, Catalan

Dinapogias, A. Petroulaki, K., Tsirigoti, A. (2015). Master “GEAR against IPV”. Booklet I: Master Package and How to Develop Your Own “GEAR against IPV” National Package (Rev. ed.). Athens: European Anti-Violence Network. (ISBN: 978-960-9569-25-5)

Petroulaki, K., Tsirigoti, A., & Ntinapogias, A. (2015). Master Package “GEAR against IPV”. Booklet II: Guidelines for conducting a “GEAR against IPV” Teachers’ Seminar (Rev. ed.). Athens: European Anti-Violence Network. (ISBN: 978-960-9569-07-1)

Tsirigoti, A., Petroulaki, K., & Ntinapogias, A. (2015). Master Package “GEAR against IPV”. Booklet III: Teacher’s Manual (Rev. ed.). Athens: European Anti-Violence Network. (ISBN: 978-960-9569-08-8)

Tsirigoti, A., Petroulaki, K., & Ntinapogias, A. (2015). Master Package “GEAR against IPV”. Booklet IV: Students’ Activities Book (Rev. ed.). At

hens: European Anti-Violence Network. (ISBN: 978-960-9569-09-5).

Training material for health and social care professionals for the support of women-survivors of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) [e-book – in Greek]  

Petroulaki, Κ., Tsirigoti, Α., Dinapogias, Α. (2013). Training material for professionals’ distance learning on Intimate Partner Violence (IPV): Introduction to IPV. Athens: European Anti-Violence Network. [ISBN: 978-960-9569-02-6]

Dinapogias, Α., Petroulaki, Κ., Tsirigoti, Α. (2013). Training material for professionals’ distance learning on Intimate Partner Violence (IPV): Screening of IPV. Athens: European Anti-Violence Network. [ISBN: 978-960-9569-01-9]

Dinapogias, Α., Petroulaki, Κ., Tsirigoti, Α. (2013). Training material for professionals’ distance learning on Intimate Partner Violence (IPV): Danger assessment of IPV. Athens: European Anti-Violence Network. [ISBN: 978-960-9569-03-3]

Tsirigoti, Α., Petroulaki, Κ., Dinapogias, Α. (2013). Training material for professionals’ distance learning on Intimate Partner Violence (IPV): Safety planning, documentation of IPV. Athens: European Anti-Violence Network. [ISBN: 978-960-9569-04-0]

Petroulaki, Κ., Tsirigoti, Α., Dinapogias, Α. (2013). Training material for professionals’ distance learning on Intimate Partner Violence (IPV): Legal issues and organizations providing services to women survivors of violence. Athens: European Anti-Violence Network. [ISBN: 978-960-9569-05-7] 

Sotiriou, P., Ntinapogias, S., Petroulaki. Κ. (2012). Attitudes on Gender Stereotypes and Gender-based Violence among Youth. Country report: Greece. Athens: European Anti-Violence Network ( [research report] 

Petroulaki, K. (2012). Awareness raising activities to fight violence against women and girls. Discussion Paper – Greece. European Commission: D.G. Justice. [Report prepared for the Exchange of good practices in gender equality, London, 7-8.2.2012. Retrieved March 1, 2013, from or via].  

Tsirigoti, A., Dinapogias, Α., Petroulaki, K., & Kakoudaki, G. (2012). Raising a Child through Prison Bars. Step-by-Step Guide for Facilitating a Children’s Support Group: Drama Workshop – Nice Borders. Athens: Institute of Child Health. (ISBN: 978-960-98902-3-6) [available at: in English, Greek, Bulgarian and Romanian] [book]

Series: Awareness Raising/Educational Material (electronic publication – CD-ROM) (ISBN: 978-960-9569-00-2)] 

available at in Greek, English, German, Croatian   

Dinapogias, A. Petroulaki, K., Tsirigoti, A. (2011). Master “GEAR against IPV” Booklet I: Master Package and How to Develop Your Own “GEAR against IPV” National Package. Athens: European Anti-Violence Network.

Petroulaki, K., Tsirigoti, A., & Ntinapogias, A. (2011). Master Package “GEAR against IPV”. Booklet II: Guidelines for conducting a “GEAR against IPV” Teachers’ Seminar. Athens: European Anti-Violence Network. 

Tsirigoti, A., Petroulaki, K., & Ntinapogias, A. (2011). Master Package “GEAR against IPV”. Booklet III: Teacher’s Manual. Athens: European Anti-Violence Network.

Tsirigoti, A., Petroulaki, K., & Ntinapogias, A. (2011). Master Package “GEAR against IPV”. Booklet IV: Students’ Activities Book. Athens: European Anti-Violence Network.

Petroulaki, Κ. (2010). The impact of intimate partner violence on children. In I., Giannopoulou, A., Douzenis, & E., Lykouras, (eds.). Child and Adolescent Forensic Psychiatry. Athens: Paschalides Medical Publications.  

Petroulaki, Κ. (2010). Preventing and combating expose of children on IPV. In I., Giannopoulou, A., Douzenis, & E., Lykouras, (eds.). Child and Adolescent Forensic Psychiatry. Athens: Paschalides Medical Publications. 

Petroulaki, K. (2010). Intimate Partner Violence (IPV): Screening, assessing and documenting IPV into the Health Care System. In G., Nikolaidis, and M. Stavrianaki (eds.). Domestic Violence: Evidence based practice and evidence from practice. Athens: KAPSIMI. 

Petroulaki, Κ. (2008). Routine recording or routine screening of intimate partner violence? Does the underestimated magnitude of the problem depend on the “metre” used? In M., Dimopoulou-Lagonika, G. Katsiki., & B., Bartikian-Gazerian (Eds.). Domestic violence: Cross-disciplinary approaches of prevention and intervention. Athens: AΩ Editions. 

Petroulaki, K., Tsirigoti, Α., Dinapogias, A., Vryonis, Μ. (2008). Monitoring and Evaluation of the Educational Policies’ Impact on Gender Equality. Athens: KETHI (ISBN: 978-960-6737-18-3) 

Petroulaki, Κ., & Tsirigoti, Α. (2008). Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs: Policies and Actions for Gender Equality in Education. In Κ. Kavoulakos (ed.). Reports series on special issues addressed to decision-making and enforcing policy centres. Athens: KETHI. ( 

Conference announcements

Petroulaki, K., Papagianopoulou, Μ. Educational interventions for the combating of sexual harassment and sexual violence incidents at University and support of survivors. Oral presentation at the conference: Response to sexual violence at University: Legal, educationa and political challenges, in the context of the project USVReact: Universities Supporting Victims of Sexual Violence. Panteion University. Athens, 9.02.2018.

Petroulaki, K. & Tsirigoti, A. The GEAR against IPV Approach: A. Material, Methodology and Interventions, B. Implementation & Effectiveness Evaluation in 5 Member States. Oral presentation at the conference “The GEAR against IPV approach. Gender Equality Awareness Raising against Intimate Partner Violence: Empowering new generations to build healthy intimate relationships”. Brussels, 21.11.2017.

Petroulaki, K., Young people involved in preventing violence against women and girls. Oral presentation at the 18th WAVE Conference. Berlin, October, 19-21 2016.

Petroulaki, K. Promoting Gender Equality as a Means of Primary Prevention of IPV. Oral presentation at the Round Table: Prevention of Intergenerational Violence. Atria, Institute on Gender Equality and Women’s History & Verwey-Jonker Institute. Amsterdam, May 22nd-23rd  2014. 

Petroulaki, Κ. Problems of the Penal Mediation Process (in domestic violence cases). Oral announcement at the 1st  
PanHellenic Forensic Conference. Hellenic Forensic Psychiatric Association, Athens, December 13-15, 2012. 

Petroulaki, K. Peer Education as a Model to Combat Gender-based Violence among People/Adolescents. Oral announcement at the Conference on Combating Domestic Violence against Women in the EU. Cyprus Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Nicosia, November, 8th-9th  2012. 

Petroulaki, K. Broadening the Policy Framework with Prevention at its Core: the Potential of Schools. Oral announcement at the 23th Conference organized by DGfE, Osnabruck, Germany, 12-14 March, 2012. 

Petroulaki, K. Exchange of good practices in gender equality: Awareness raising activities to fight violence against women and girlsPresentation of the Discussion Paper and examples – Greece. European Commission: D.G. Justice. London, 07.02.2012.

Tsirigoti, A., Ntinapogias, A. Conducting Drama Workshops with Children of Imprisoned Parents: challenges and… surprises. Oral announcement at the Conference “Raising a Child through Prison Bars”, 23 November 2011. 

Tsirigoti, A., Petroulaki, K. & Ntinapogias, S. Gender Equality Awareness Raising against Intimate Partner Violence (GEAR against IPV). Oral announcement at the XVIII ISPCAN International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, September, 26-29, 2010.

Tsirigoti, A. & Petroulaki, K. Peer Education Routes for School Pupils to Enhance Consciousness of Tackling and Impeding Violence in Europe (PERSPECTIVE): Overview and evaluation of the project implementation in Greece. Oral announcement at the XVIII ISPCAN International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, September, 26-29, 2010.

Nikolaidis, G., Petroulaki, K., Tsirigoti, A., Stancheva-Popkostadinova, V. & Fabian, A. Raising a Child through Prison Bars. Oral announcement at the XVIII ISPCAN International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, September, 26-29, 2010.

Petroulaki, K., Rudolph, S., & Geisler, M. Improve protection of children from domestic violence. Workshop at the 11th WAVE Conference: “Stop Violence against Women and Children”. Vienna, September 24-26, 2009.

Dinapogias, Α. The impact of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) to children. Oral announcement at the Conference and Seminar: Development of National Policy for the School of Health Promotion. Athens, 11-13 May, 2009.

Petroulaki, K., Nikolaidis, G., & Tsirigoti, A. Deconstruction of Gender Stereotypes as a Vehicle for Intimate Partner Violence Primary Prevention: Interventions in Educational Settings. Poster at the XVIIth ISPCAN International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect. Hong Kong SAR, September 7-10, 2008.

Reports of EU funded projects 

Sotiriou, P., Petroulaki. Κ., & Ntinapogias, S. (2013). Youth4Youth: Empowering Young People in Preventing Gender-based Violence through Peer Education – Training Evaluation Report for Greece. Athens: European Anti-Violence Network (

Raising a child through prison bars [JLS/2008/DAP3/AG/1260]: Children’s Support Groups’ implementation & evaluation Report. Athens: European Anti-Violence Network in collaboration with the Institute of Child Health, Department of Mental Health and Social Welfare, Centre for the Study and Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect ( 20and%20Evaluation%20Report.pdf).

Raising a child through prison bars [JLS/2008/DAP3/AG/1260]: Dissemination Report. Athens: European Anti-Violence Network in collaboration with the Institute of Child Health, Department of Mental Health and Social Welfare, Centre for the Study and Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (

Gender Equality Awareness Raising against Intimate Partner Violence: Literature Review Report. Athens: European Anti-Violence Network (Available at:

Gender Equality Awareness Raising against Intimate Partner Violence: Evaluation of the “GEAR against IPV” Master Package by Experts and Evaluation of “face validity” of the Teacher’s Manual & Students’ Activities Book: A Consolidated Report. Athens: European Anti-Violence Network (Available at: and Focus Groups Evaluation Report.pdf)

Gender Equality Awareness Raising against Intimate Partner Violence: Students’ Workshops – Implementation and Evaluation Report. Athens: European Anti-Violence Network. 

Gender Equality Awareness Raising against Intimate Partner Violence: Teachers’ Seminars – Implementation and Evaluation Report. Athens: European Anti-Violence Network.

Gender Equality Awareness Raising against Intimate Partner Violence: Action Grant Final Narrative Report. Athens: European Anti-Violence Network. (Available at:

Information brochures/leaflets

European Anti-Violence Network. (2012). My mother is in prison. What I’d like to know… Answers to questions that a child whose mother is in prison might have. Athens: Institute of Child Health, Department of Mental Health and Social Welfare, Centre for the Study and Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (